Together, We are Frogs First

This blog has been made by different leaders involved in TCU's programs SGA and Greek life. We have seen and addressed the problem of segregation between non-Greek and Greek students and our goal is to end this segregation and become more unified. This blog is to help better inform the TCU community and more specifically student body how we can come together as a unified family. The term "Frogs First" is coming from the idea that before we identify ourselves with what organizations we are involved in at TCU, we must remember we are a TCU student and HORNED FROG FIRST. This blog is also a place for YOU to place your opinions by commenting on any of the posts.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

TCU Frogs First

TCU Panhellinic Presidents

  Throughout the past few years TCU's Greek life has risen up to 46% of our student body. Now more than ever there is a noticeable segregation between students who are Greek and students who are Non-Greek. With that comes the stereotype and division of economic class. If TCU truly strives to be a united student body we must come together and build a bridge over this division.

TCU IFC student executive board

A few steps TCU SGA and Greek life have come up with together is to create more school wide events where the whole student body is invited not just individual organizations. We are also working on making all the different philantrhopy events a more community wide experience. TCU Greek life is also working on making it more financially convenient to join a sorority or fraternity by offering more scholarships starting in the beginning of the rush process.

We will add more posts with details about these up coming events.

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